Science Class 10 Sample Paper -1 Term 1 CBSE MCQ(s) 2021-22
Here is the very useful resource science class 10 sample paper for every student before the commencement of exams that is Sample Practice Quiz and of the latest Pattern of CBSE 2021-22 Term 1. Specially designed covering every bit details…
CBSE Term 1 Sample Papers MCQ 2021-22
here, one can find the CBSE term 1 Sample Papers , sample mcq quizzes of cbse new pattern of term 1 of 2021-2022, for all the classes and all the subjects , Class X CBSE term 1 Sample Papers Sanskrit…
Sanskrit Class 10 Sample paper MCQ(s) Quiz-3 Term 1 2021-22

Here, we are providing Another quiz on Sanskrit Class 10 Sample paper This MCQ(s) quiz is based on the entire syllabus of Sanskrit class 10. Attempt this Sanskrit class 10 quiz and check your subject understanding. I hope this quiz will help…
Differential Equations Class 12 notes | IIT-JEE study material

So, in calculus we are starting the topic of differential equations, we will be seeing what does a differential equation exactly means, what are partial differential equations, the significance of differential equations in various disciplines is very vast, we will…
Applications of Derivatives class 12 revision notes | IIT-JEE notes, study material

We have analyzed the concept of derivative/Differentiation of a function, this concept is widely used in various fields like math, physics, engineering sciences, etc, derivatives are used to analyze any function by calculating its first and second derivative, Hence we…
Methods of Differentiation | Concept Booster IIT-JEE Class 12 notes

Methods of Differentiation Here we will learn methods of Differentiation, We had already studied the two meanings of derivative(differentiation) of a function which is the geometrical and physical meanings. Since we know what does the differentiation of a function means…
Differentiability Class 12 | IIT JEE Notes, Concept Booster
Differentiability The concept of the differentiability (derivability) of a function tells us about whether a given function will be differentiable or not. If the function is differentiable then we will use Methods of differentiation to differentiate a function. Actually, this…
Continuity of a Function | IIT JEE Notes, Class 12, Concept Booster

Continuity of a function we had studied about limit of a function at a point now we will study about the continuity of a function, what does it means for a function to be continuous at a point ? how…
Limit of a function | Concept Booster | IIT-JEE, Class-11 notes
Some equations can go out of the Mobile screen, Use desktop view for convenience. In mathematics the concept of the limit of a function is one of the fundamental concepts as it provides the base for defining the derivative of…