Continuous charge distribution | derivation of Electrostatic force due to continuous charge distribution | Types of continuous charge distribution

CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION INTRODUCTION If I ask you to find the electrostatic force between the two stationary electrical charges then you can easily find the required value of electric force…

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10 Properties of electric field lines, definition, significance and origin of electric field lines.

ELECTRIC FIELD LINES INTRODUCTION We know that every charge particles create a electric field around themselves, whether it is positive charge or negative charge. But have you ever seen the…

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Superposition principle | electric field due to system of Charges.

SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE OF ELECTRIC FIELD Today we are going to talk about superposition principle of electric field, in the previous article we have discussed about superposition principle of electrostatic force. …

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Electric field, Electric field intensity, definition, mechanism of force exertion.

ELECTRIC FIELD AND FORCE MECHANISM When we are talking about electricity, it means that we are talking about moving charges. We know that electric current is generated when a electric…

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Coulomb’s Law, definition, derivation, important points, and its vector form.

COULOMB'S LAW Coulomb's Law and are also called inverse square law is experimental law of physics, which quantify the electrical force between the two static electrical charges, which is seperated…

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Modes of Charging of a body | different methods of Charging of a body.

MODES OF CHARGING OF A BODY A body can be charged by various means such as - 1). Charging by friction 2). Charging by conduction 3). Charging by induction 4).…

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